Laboratory № 5 — Natural Polymers


Phone: (812) 328-32-24

Head of the Laboratory: Yury Andreevich Skorik, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, leading researcher


E-mail: yury_skorik@mail.ru


Study of reactivity in chemical transformations and supramolecular organization of natural polysaccharides of various origins. Investigation of solvation and dissolution of natural and modified polysaccharides, physico-chemical properties of solutions of polysaccharides and their mixtures with other polymers in a common solvent. Preparation and study of nanostructured biomedical materials on the basis of natural and modified polysaccharides.


Lines of research


  • Development of synthetic methods for functional derivatives of polysaccharides (cellulose, chitin, chitosan); studies of their structure, chemical and physico-chemical properties, biological activity.
  • Development and study of nanostructured polymeric systems based on natural polysaccharides and their derivatives for targeted delivery of biologically active compounds.
  • Preparation of biomedical composite scaffolds (films, sponges, gels, nanofiber non-woven materials) on the basis of natural and modified polysaccharides and study of their properties.
  • Investigation of complexation between chitosan and acidic polysaccharides (hyaluronic acid, alginic acid, carrageenan, cellulose derivatives).
  • Studying solvation and dissolution of polymers and physico-chemical properties of cellulose solutions, its derivatives and mixtures of polymers in non-aqueous, aqueous, and water-salt solutions.
  • Studying properties of physical thermoreversible gels based on natural polymers and their derivatives in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions.
Юрий Скорик

руководитель лаборатории

Скорик Юрий Андреевич (к.х.н.)
ведущий научный сотрудник

ResID: A-8128-2008 ORCID: 0000-0002-9731-6399

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